The wish of Chihta is to realize the owner’s coffee dream—To bring the best, the most novel, and the most distinctive coffee from worldwide to Taiwan to share with people and to make friends.
Chita teaches us how to brew coffee using easy methods with straightforward instruction. It is the first coffee shop in Taiwan providing customers with opportunities to sample coffee for free as well as member with monthly coffee bean sample. Chihta has successfully created a brand new lifestyle and attitude for Taiwanese coffee lovers.
Come with us to explore the world of coffee.
咖啡介紹 About coffee
中美洲 Central America
Coffee from Central America is featured by a fresh and crisp aroma.
It is also the origin of coffee species derived from Coffea Arabica.
There are the Panama Geisha, Salvador Pacamara, Caturra Caturra, and more.
It is also the region with the most advanced as well as sophisticated coffee preparation technology.
In recent years, those sun-dried (日曬) and honey-treated (蜜處理) micro-products from small farmers has conquered the taste buds of coffee lovers worldwide.
南美洲 South America
南美洲的咖啡風味最平衡、最香甜 Coffee from South America has the most well-balanced and the sweetest taste.
是許多美食家心中均衡完美的 The flavor is so unbeatably balanced that that South America coffee beans are regarded as the ideal by many gourmets.
產量大,但不搶其他咖啡豆的鋒頭 Though mass-produced, the flavor never oppress the glow of other beans.
讓此產區的咖啡,成為配方豆主要的來源 Coffee beans from this area are commonly chosen as a major component of a blend (配方豆).
曼巴、探索亞馬遜都是直達咖啡 Sumatra Mandheling & Brazil Bourbon Santos and Amazon Exploration (探索亞馬遜) are the most popular choices at Chih-ta Coffee.
非洲 Africa
咖啡的起源之地,目前仍有許多的原始森林有野生的咖啡豆 This place is the origin of coffee, and wild coffee beans can be found at many virgin forests in Africa.
數千年來咖啡迷的目光都投注在這黑色的大陸 This black continent has been the Mecca of coffee lovers since the very beginning.
肯亞強勁黑苺酸、衣索匹亞強盛花草香、盧安達水果香甜... Kenya’ blackberry sourness, Ethiopia’s strong floral fragrance, and Rwanda’s fruity sweet are some of the most renowned features of African coffee beans.
這些豐富多元的水果花草香氣都是非洲帶來的 These wonderful and diverse fruity and floral aroma are associated with African coffee beans.
神奇完美地帶 It is definitely an amazing and magical land of coffee beans.
亞洲 Asia
亞洲最為世人熟知的就是渾厚沉穩的印尼曼特寧咖啡 The most well-known Asian coffee beans is Indonesia’s Mandheling, which has a dense and bulky aroma.
質感稠密而且極具厚實感、甘甜味足、香氣飽滿、酸度低 The coffee beans are characterized by a dense and solid flavor, full sweetness, saturated aroma, and low acidity.
在台灣是非常受歡迎的咖啡豆 It is a very popular choice in Taiwan.
其中又以印尼P.W.N 公司出產的黃金曼特寧
質優一致性高是最棒的 The most quality consistent and high quality choice of Mandheling is imported from the Golden Mandheling of PWN, Indonesia.
配方咖啡 Blends
初秋系列.....有詩意 The Early Autumn Series--Poetic
美式系列.....有濃郁 The American Series—Rich and flavorful
黃金系列.....The Golden Series
掛耳包 Portable personal drip coffee packets
再怎麼忙都要喝杯咖啡 Having a cup of coffee is indispensible no matter how busy you are.
跑再遠都要喝杯熟悉的咖啡 It is worthy to travel miles for the cup of coffee with a flavor we are familiar with.
你再怎麼沒空也要為我煮一杯咖啡 No matter how occupied you are with work, you will make coffee for me.
因為這是維繫你我最好的方法 This how we are linked to each other--
沖杯咖啡為妳 Making coffee for you.